/** * jQuery plugin for Responsive Hotspot * * Author: SK Lam */ (function () { 'use strict'; /* Reposition the HotSpots during init and resize windows */ function _positionHotspots(options) { var imageWidth = $(options.mainselector + ' ' + options.imageselector).prop('naturalWidth'); var imageHeight = $(options.mainselector + ' ' + options.imageselector).prop('naturalHeight'); var bannerWidth = $(options.mainselector).width(); var bannerHeight = $(options.mainselector).height(); $(options.selector).each(function () { var xPos = $(this).attr('data-x'); var yPos = $(this).attr('data-y'); xPos = xPos / imageWidth * bannerWidth; yPos = yPos / imageHeight * bannerHeight; $(this).css({ 'top': yPos, 'left': xPos, 'display': 'block', }); }); } $.fn.hotSpot = function (options) { // Extend our default options with those provided. // Note that the first argument to extend is an empty // object 鈥 this is to keep from overriding our "defaults" object. var _options = $.extend({}, $.fn.hotSpot.defaults, options); // Position each hotspot this.each(function () { _positionHotspots.call($(this), _options); }); // Bind the windows resize event to recalculate the hotspot position $(window).resize(function () { this.each(function () { _positionHotspots.call($(this), _options); }); }.bind(this)); return this; }; // Plugin defaults $.fn.hotSpot.defaults = { mainselector: '.hotspot-img', selector: '.hot-spot', imageselector: '.img-responsive', }; }(jQuery));